Our mission is to ...
Help people navigate life decisions of where to go

June Andrews

In 2024, Lat Long Labs was founded with a simple yet compelling goal: to answer the timeless question, "Where do I go?" While matchmaking and job-hunting services abound, personalized guidance for pivotal life decisions like choosing a college or a place to settle is lacking.

For those navigating life's crossroads, like the sandwich generation balancing the needs of teenagers and elderly parents, the struggle is real. But amidst the chaos, there's hope.

Throughout my career, I've been driven by a singular question: What should data to do for humanity? If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve flown on a plane monitored by one of my systems (GE), used renewable energy from a system I’ve reviewed, or been connected to a new restaurant (Yelp), new hobby (Pinterest), new job opportunity (LinkedIn), or new person(LinkedIn & Facebook) in one of the other ML systems I’ve contributed to.

I’m not certain of how and I’m not certain of the magnitude of influence, but I am certain data should be supporting humanity figure out where to go. We have billions of moves ahead of us. After all, moving is the oldest technology for improving our quality of life. It's time for data to move us beyond the cliché of Go West.

Thoughts? Reach out!